Motionless In White: New Album Coming In 2025!

Motionless In White: New Album Coming In 2025!

In a recent interview, the band announced that their new album will be released in 2025. We have summarised the most exciting information from the interview for you here!

Image´: Motionless In White - Official Press Photo

Metalcore heavyweights Motionless In White are planning to release their new album in 2025. This news was shared by lead singer Chris Motionless in an interview with Metalshop TV, where he also discussed the songwriting process.

“Thankfully we're in a period of our career right now where I hope that we can afford that kind of time away where fans are, like, they understand that that's why we're gone because we're putting the time towards the album to make the best album we can make” said Chris.

Motionless In White used to be known for producing an album within three months, but that’s no longer realistic for the band today. Instead of writing under pressure, the guys want to take their time and go on tour in between. The singer further explained:

“Honestly, when it's done, it's done. I have no date that I'm announcing. It will be next year, that's for sure. But I'm not even thinking about a date. I'm just writing the coolest songs that we could write. And we're really excited about what we have.".”

Chris also admitted that there is a concern about losing fans if no new music is released for a long time. But he replies directly and firmly:

“But I’d rather write the coolest record we can and lose fans because we took too long than release a half-hearted album and allow it to be part of our discography. That just doesn’t make sense to me.”

So we have a lot to look forward to. One thing is for sure: The new album is going to be amazing!

Motionless In White On European Tour

2025 is shaping up to be a great year for Motionless In White fans: The band won’t just be releasing a brand-new album; they’ll also be going on tour! Together with Fit For A King and Brand Of Sacrifice, they’ll be touring across Europe in January and February.

Here are the dates for 2025:

  • 23. Jan. - Hamburg, DE: Inseilpark Arena
  • 24. Jan. - Berlin, DE:  Columbiahalle
  • 25. Jan. - Warschau, PL: EXPO XXI
  • 28. Jan. - Wien, AT: Gasometer
  • 29. Jan. - Mailand, IT: Alcatraz
  • 31. Jan. - Munch, DE Tonhalle
  • 01. Feb. - Zürich, CH: Komplex 457
  • 02. Feb. - Lyon, FR: Le Transbordeur
  • 04. Feb. - Barcelona, ES: Razzmatazz Room 1
  • 05. Feb. - Madrid, ES: La Riviera
  • 07. Feb. - Toulouse, FR: Le Bikini
  • 08. Feb. - Paris, FR: L'Olympia
  • 10. Feb. - Suttgart, DE: LKA-Longhorns
  • 11. Feb. - Wiesbaden, Schlachthof 
  • 13. Feb. - Brüssel, BE: AB
  • 14. Feb. - Tilburg, NL: 013 Poppodium
  • 15. Feb. - Cologne, DE: Palladium
  • 18. Feb. - Birmingham, UK: O2 Academy
  • 19. Feb. - Glasgow, UK: O2 Academy
  • 21. Feb. - Manchester, UK: O2 Victoria Warehouse
  • 22. Feb. - London, UK: O2 Academy Brixton