Spotify: Fake AI Songs Uploaded By Several Bands!

Spotify: Fake AI Songs Uploaded By Several Bands!

An unknown person has uploaded fake AI songs to the Spotify accounts of several bands. Find out which bands are involved and how they reacted here!

Image: The Ghost Inside - Official press photo

In our article "Caliban: Fake AI Song Appeared on Spotify!" we already reported that an unknown person uploaded a fake AI song to the Spotify account of Caliban.

However, this does not seem to be an isolated incident, as Caliban is not the only band in the metalcore and hardcore scene to have experienced this. Bands like The Ghost Inside, While She Sleeps, AngelMaker, Bury Tomorrow, and Ghøstkid also had AI-generated songs uploaded without prior notice, at the same time, and sometimes with the same artwork, which rightfully made fans suspicious.





Affected Bands Speak Out

According to Caliban, distributors and streaming platforms are blaming each other, while even major labels seem to be powerless. The solution to this problem certainly requires more attention and concrete measures from all parties involved.

Ghøstkid also addressed the incidents in her Instagram story:

"FYI, because people keep asking about it. Many bands have the same problems with this type of fake releases. Of course, it’s not one of our tracks, and everyone is working on a solution, but it will take some time! Shoutout to the genius who promotes their music by uploading it to other bands' profiles. Ghost, you made my day!"

Joel Holmqvist, frontman of the metalcore band Aviana, also pointed out the system's weaknesses:

"[…] Spotify has some major flaws in verifying whether it is indeed the verified artist who uploaded the song. This person saw a loophole in the system and took full advantage of it. […]"

The Problem Seems To Lie With Spotify

These incidents indicate a systematic problem at Spotify. While it is still unclear where exactly the security gap lies, the fact that this is even possible shows that urgent action is needed.

What Can Be Done?

Of course, labels and managements are striving to resolve the situation. However, this incident clearly shows the problems and dangers posed by AI-generated music. It is important to address this issue directly, consume music consciously, and consistently report fake AI content.