Sabaton Interview

Talking To Joakim Brodén: Does Sabaton Own A Tank?

Have you always wanted to know the motivation behind Sabaton's music and if the band really has their own tank? In this interview with vocalist Joakim Brodén, the most frequently asked questions about Sabaton are answered!

Have you always wanted to know the motivation behind Sabaton's music and if the band really has their own tank? In this interview with vocalist Joakim Brodén, the most frequently asked questions about Sabaton are answered!

The Swedish Power Metal band is famous for its songs about historical subjects and its energetic stage performance. With Joakim Brodén, the frontman of the group, we have searched the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Sabaton from the internet. You can find the interview on our YouTube channel; we've linked it to you below. But you can also read the interview right here!

Sabaton Answering The Most Asked Questions On The Internet

Joakim: Hello everyone, this is Joakim from Sabaton and I’m gonna answer the most asked questions regarding Sabaton on Google. So, let’s see, here we go. So the first one is “Does Sabaton” and then let’s see what we got here.

Does Sabaton Own A Tank?

Joakim: No. We got two. [laughs] One is called Audie, the other one is called Walter, after the two heroes we sing about on the Heroes album, actually. But, to be fair, they’re not real tanks you could drive into combat with, it’s stage props that we use as the drum risers. 

Does Sabaton Glorify War?

Joakim: No, we don’t. We sing about military history, of course, but glorifying war would be kind of stupid. We don’t do that at all. Our intention is not to glorify war, spread political or religious propaganda. We simply love history and we don’t think these stories should be forgotten. 

What Sabaton Song Are You?

Joakim: [laughs] Oh, what Sabaton song am I? I’m trying to come up with a really smart and clever answer here, something fun, but um … no, I guess I’m not a very funny person, so I’m gonna say “To Hell And Back”.

What Does Sabaton Mean?

Joakim: Well, it’s simply a piece of medieval armor. I would say the easiest thing is you’ve seen on old medieval movie and the armor that the Knights wear on their foot, the scale armor protecting their feet, that’s a sabaton.

Is Sabaton Satanic?

Joakim: No, we don’t have any political or religious message in our music and none of us are worshippers of the Dark Lord.

Is Sabaton Christian Metal?

Joakim: Well, same thing there, no. I see a theme going here.

Does Sabaton Use Autotune?

Joakim: No. Why?

How Much Does Sabaton Make?

Joakim: To be honest, I don’t know. We make enough to make a - live a comfortable living. But none of us can afford to buy a Ferrari.

Is Sabaton A Good Band?

Joakim: Yes! Excellent band! Haha!

Is Sabaton Political?

Joakim: Well, no, not at all. I mean, we’re musicians, what do we know about politics? Listen to smarter people than us. 

What Are Sabaton Songs About?

Joakim: Well, usually about relationships and love and stuff like that.

Why Does Sabaton Sing About War?

Joakim: Basically, because there are so many fantastic stories in our past that are being forgotten, so why the f*** should we make up new ones? 

What Guitar Does Sabaton Use?

Joakim: Oh, that’s different, actually. Depending on which guitar player is playing and what we are doing, that would change actually. I know that recently there’s been a lot of ESP, Ibanez and also Gibson stuff used, depending on the situation. But that’s a better question for our guitarists, actually, so I’m gonna leave that at that.

Shop Sabaton Merch At Impericon

As a fan of the Swedish band, you want to stock up on their music and proper Sabaton Merch? At Impericon you can find band shirts as well as many records for your collection, including the blue colored vinyl of the album Carolus Rex. But you can also get the album Heroes mentioned in the interview as well as the limited Earbook of The War To End All Wars!

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