Korn Interview

Korn: Brian “Head” Welch Explains Why He Prefers Sad Songs

We prepared 25 questions for the guitarist of the American Metal band Korn. But we didn’t make it too easy to answer them! If you want to witness Brian Welch making some tough decisions, don’t miss out on this interview.
Talking To Joakim Brodén: Does Sabaton Own A Tank? Leiendo Korn: Brian “Head” Welch Explains Why He Prefers Sad Songs 6 minutos Siguiente 5 Brilliant Rammstein Songs with Intense Lyrics

We prepared 25 questions for the guitarist of the American Metal band Korn. But we didn’t make it too easy to answer them! If you want to witness Brian Welch making some tough decisions, don’t miss out on this interview.

It’s easy to assume that all rock musicians love life on tour, at festivals and in clubs. With this interview format, we’re going to find out about the true thoughts of some of the greatest bands out there. And today, it’s Brian’s turn to answer some of our questions!

Talking to Brian Welch from Korn - 25 Questions

Festival or Club Show?

Brian: Festival. Because the older I get, the harder the club shows are to play, because they’re so hot. I mean those rooms and everybody packed in there, they don’t have good ventilation and it’s like, it’s always extremely hot and I’m sweating on my guitar and I can’t play as well, so festival.

Screaming or Clean Singing?

Brian: Okay, both. Because I feel like clean singing leads to screaming and screaming leads back to clean singing. That’s my favorite style of vocals. 

Breakdown or Singalong?

Brian: Both. They can’t do this to me! Okay, well, maybe I’ll make it, okay. I’ll pick my favorite, alright. Um, breakdown, because of the energy. 

Touring or Recording?

Brian: Recording. One hundred percent. I’ve traveled so much in my life. It’s not my favorite thing to do. I like to be at home in my own bed, recording.

Moshpit or Crowdsurfing?

Brian: Crowdsurfing. I don’t like to get bloody. [laughs]

Nightliner or Hotel?

Brian: Oh, hotel, one hundred percent. I love a bed that doesn’t move up and down on the road. [laughs]

Movie Theatre or Streaming?

Brian: Argh. Streaming, only because I built a movie theatre in my house, and for a very cheap price during the pandemic. And if I didn’t have streaming, I wouldn’t be able to watch movies in my movie theatre. 

Tattoo or Piercing?

Brian: Tattoo, for sure. I tried a piercing. I got a dermal I think they are, piercing, in my right here and it rejected it out and put a big old bump on my face. So, I guess piercing’s not for me.

No Internet For 1 Month or No Music For 1 Month

Brian: If you have internet, you have music. So, no music.

Night or Morning?

Brian: Night! I could say both, because I go to bed in the morning, but I’m a night owl so I’ll choose night.

Grammy Awards or MTV Music Awards?

Brian: Oh! Uh, probably Grammy Awards, because we need to get Metal back into the Grammy Awards more. MTV Awards last year had Evanescence as a nominee and that was good, you know. But the Grammy Awards is … kinda doesn’t do too well with rock, so Grammy Awards.

Instagram or Facebook?

Brian: Instagram. I think it’s easier and you know - but Facebook owns both of them, so it doesn’t really matter, huh? But I choose Instagram.

Humans or Animals?

Brian: [laughs] Even though people are sometimes more difficult to deal with, I’ll say people, because humanity and the human life is very precious and important. So even though you want to smack humans in the face a lot, I’ll choose them.

Weekends or Holidays?

Brian: Holidays! Holidays are fun and, I don’t know, with friends and family it’s just more special.

80s or 90s?

Brian: Ah! Well, I have to say the 90s, because Korn was born in the 90s.

Playlists or Shuffle?

Brian: Ooh. I’d say playlist. Just because, you know, I can choose my playlist. 

Lyrics or Melody?

Brian: Melody. One hundred percent melody, I love melody. You know, there’s been songs back from when I was a child, that I just found out the lyrics, like, two years ago, because I never paid attention to the lyrics and I love the melody and I was like: Oh, that’s what they’re saying? So, melody.

Headphones or Speaker?

Brian: Probably speaker. I only use headphones when I need to. I like speaker.

Dancing or Listening?

Brian: Listening. I cannot dance. I told you I don’t got no rhythm.

Singing On Stage or Singing In The Shower?

Brian: The shower, for me. I play guitar better than I sing and I would rather sing in the shower than on stage.

Old Hits or New Hits?

Brian: Old hits. Just because that’s my life, you know. That’s my life’s journey and I love to journey backwards sometimes.

City or Countryside?

Brian: Countryside. I like peace, calm, quiet. 

Save Money or Spend Money?

Brian: Save my money! The Korn guys would laugh at that question, because they call me that - I’m so cheap, because I’m always saving my money. And I’m like, dying, because I want to buy a new watch and I’m like: I don’t need a watch. I just save it, you know.

Sad Songs or Happy Songs?

Brian: Honestly I’m drawn sometimes to emotional, sad songs, you know. I’m a happy person, mostly, but I’m drawn to more of what people would describe as sadder songs. I think there’s a lot more beauty in sadder songs than in happy songs, because a lot of melody and songs are birthed from a lot of pain, sometimes, and those are the most meaningful ones to me.

See The Future or Change The Past?

Brian: No, I just want to forgive the past and see the future. So future.

Of course you can watch the entire interview on our YouTube channel as well. The link is just down below:

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