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Pop-Punk & Police - Concert In The USA Cancelled Due To Mosh Pits

Moshpits and stage dives are normal for fans of Pop-Punk artists - apparently not for the organizers of this concert. Read here what exactly happened.

Image: Police intervention at a Pop-Punk concert

Moshpits and stage dives are normal for fans of Pop-Punk artists - apparently not for the organizers of this concert. Read here what exactly happened.

The attendees of the concert featuring Joyce Manor with support bands Porch Coffin and Glazed surely expected no harm as they headed to the venue. And initially, nothing out of the ordinary happened. As is common at Metal, Core, and Pop-Punk concerts, the music was celebrated with moshpits and stage dives. Why everything went so wrong, you'll find out here.

Different Location, Different Rules

The performance was originally supposed to take place at a different venue but was relocated. Ultimately, the concert took place on March 8th at the Prime Osborn Convention Center in Jacksonville, Florida. Security guards were on hand for safety, as is standard. However, right at the start of the show, one of the event organizers came on stage to ask the audience to refrain from moshing and stage diving. As expected, the fans were not pleased.

“had who is assuming was an event organizer come on stage 5 mins into the set and tell everyone to stop moshing/crowd surfing so we could ‘have a safe show’ to which people booed and cursed him off stage.”

Subsequently, security personnel were reportedly positioned directly on stage to prevent the crowd from stage diving. Not much later, the show was completely cancelled, and several concertgoers were arrested. And all this just because of the high spirits typical of any concert of this kind. Outside the venue, there was reportedly an excessive police presence.

Many people had their evening and fundamentally their mood spoiled that night. Some of the interventions were violent, completely unexpected for the attendees - who would have thought that they could be arrested for participating in a mosh pit at a rock concert? Clearly, the organizers did not understand what kind of concert they were preparing for, resulting in the show ending in a grossly exaggerated action.

So far, there has been no public statement from the bands. We wish all fans who were at the concert well and hope they recover from the shock.