Dancitee Statement Shirts

The 20 Most Relatable Statements On Fun Shirts

Wearing the same plain t-shirts all the time is too boring for you? Then this article is perfect for you, because today we want to introduce you to 20 t-shirt statements with funny and, above all, meaningful sayings. We are sure that there are a few statements that you can relate to!


Wearing the same plain t-shirts all the time is too boring for you? Then this article is perfect for you, because today we want to introduce you to 20 t-shirt statements with funny and, above all, meaningful sayings. We are sure that there are a few statements that you can relate to!

If you want to dress according to your values and your mood, then you've come to the right place. With these slogans you can easily express your lifestyle and show everyone what you stand for! Political statements are clearly part of the game. After all, the world should also see what you are committed to. Maybe these shirts will even lead to an exciting conversation. So let's get started with 20 of our absolute favorites!

1. Make Emo Great Again

Who wants to talk about America when you can talk about Emo instead? The trend of the 2000s was infectious enough to resurrect it! Be it the music or the fashion; almost everyone surely still has photos from the era buried somewhere and songs from those days in their old playlists that trigger some memories. So go ahead, Make Emo Great Again!

Make Emo Great Again Dancitee

2. First I drink the coffee, then I do the things

Not much needs to be said here. First coffee, then work. Nothing else is going to work out!

Coffee Shirt Dancitee

3. What kind of wine goes with smashing the patriarchy?

Have you seen the new Barbie movie in theaters yet? While the common trend for going to the movies is an all-pink outfit, the flashy lettering will certainly still pass. With the shirt, you can head out perfectly equipped to support Barbie and Ken in their crises. Alternatively, just invite some friends over for a wine tasting!

Patriarchy Shirt Dancitee

4. Installing social skills - Please wait

Ah yes, there are just some days where you don't want to have anything to do with other people, aren't there? Probably more days than than just some. Well, with this shirt you can at least show your mood to the outside world.

Social Skills Shirt Dancitee

5. My favorite childhood memory is my back not hurting

Who of you also thought that the back pain would only start years from now? Unfortunately, the only thing left to do now is back exercises and thinking of the good old days.

Childhood Memory Shirt Dancitee

6. I'm too sober for this shirt

Perfect for the next party, or alternatively for the next day at the office ...

Sober Shirt Dancitee

7. I respectfully don't care

Sometimes you just can't care about anything. Especially when others are giving you their numerous opinions without being asked. Don't let it bother you!

Respectfully Shirt Dancitee

8. Hi. Don't be racist. Thanks.

Hi. Feel free to share this statement with the public anytime! Thank you.

Don't Be Racist Shirt Dancitee

9. I wish I had more middle fingers

Don't we all feel that way sometimes?

Middle Fingers Shirt Dancitee

10. Fries Before Guys

To all the fries lovers out there, bon appétit. Indulge.

Fries Shirt Dancitee

11. Why fall in love, when you can fall asleep.

Sleep is known to be the best solution to all problems. Oftentimes, it's not that bad of an idea to just take a nap if you want to avoid stress elsewhere.

Fall Asleep Shirt Dancitee

12. We are a sad generation with happy instagram pictures.

Oh, the amount of relatable comfort content that we get from Instagram, right?

Instagram Shirt Fuchsteufelswild

13. Bad choices make good stories

You can show this t-shirt to all those who have criticized your choices so far! Perhaps not everything went according to plan, but you'll have much cooler stories to tell!

Bad Choices & Blume Shirts Dancitee

14. Please not now! I'm introverting

How nice would it be to just be left alone more often when the social batteries run out... Maybe this shirt will help. It's worth a try.

Introverting Shirt Dancitee

15. Reading Is Sexy

If that's not the perfect outfit for all of the bookworms out there. Definitely wear it for your next visit to the library!

Reading Shirt Dancitee

16. Mosh

The t-shirt for the pit. Also very suitable to out yourself as a metalhead.

Mosh Shirt Dancitee

17. I'm fine

This is fine.

I'm Fine Shirt Dancitee

18. Allergic to idiots

We all are.

Allergic Shirt Dancitee

19. Snacks & naps

Two things that make life worth living. So don't go without.

Snacks & Naps Shirt Dancitee

20. Caffeinated A.F.

When you need to get into work mode somehow ....

Caffeinated Shirt Dancitee

Shop Statement Shirts At Impericon

If these statements have convinced you, then be sure to check out our exclusive fashion brands Dancitee and Fuchsteufelswild. You'll find all the statement shirts listed above and many more to choose from! Impericon now also offers socks with statements that will definitely get you a second glance and a laugh. Of course, there's even more comfortable clothing for your everyday life in the streetwear category, with many exclusive products from our fashion brand Ironnail.