Doom - Doom Guy - Youtooz
Attenzione al pre-order: Consegna dell'intero ordine non prima di 27.06.2025. Questo vale anche per tutti gli altri articoli dell'ordine che sarebbero direttamente disponibili.
DOOM Guy has fought his way through literal hell to blast his way into Youtooz for his vinyl debut! Standing at 4.4 inches tall atop a red outcrop of hell rock and brandishing a double barrel shotgun in both his hands which is cocked and at the ready to lay out the next demon in his path, a dark grey helmet with a blue visor and thick gouges covers his head. His thick muscular arms explode from his bright green armoured shirt, his belt is lined with pouches and shells as he wears dark green pants and thick brown boots. The exterior of his packaging sees him standing atop a jagged red peak as demon hands reach up threateningly, while the interior resembles the brown walls and blue metallics of the DOOM Logo. The protective sleeve continues the dark red hellscape he's fought through as his figure can be seen through the large clear window at the packaging's front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom-sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
Tema: Merch Entertainment
Entertainment: Doom
Tipo di prodotto: Youtooz
Caratteristiche: Da collezione
Colore: multicolore
Dimensioni (cm): 10
Peso (g): 423
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