DC Comics Fan Merchandise
Wonder Woman, The Flash, Justice League, and Aquaman: They all belong to the universe of DC Comics, one of the largest US comic publishers. Nowadays, DC doesn't just stand for printing plates and comic books, but for action-packed characters who take both moviegoers and TV fans, as well as gamers, on their grand adventures. Since 2012, the characteristic blue and white logo with the capital letters D and C can also be found on fan merchandise.
The History of DC Comics
The publisher was founded in 1934 in New York City, where it is still based today. The abbreviation DC refers to one of the first comic series published there, which sold very successfully: Detective Comics. Today, DC Comics is known less for crime and more for action and superheroes. This is thanks to artists like Dennis O'Neil and Jack Kirby, who continuously invented new heroes and intertwined their stories. Particularly popular in the 2000s was a Batman miniseries, but the DC world's superheroes have been making waves since 1951. That year saw the release of the first Superman film in the USA, which was later followed by a new series of the same name in 1978. Additionally, the originally blonde-haired Batman (portrayed by Adam West) began saving Gotham on the big screen. For over 20 years now, DC has been releasing several new films per year, which have become box office hits worldwide. Additionally, the heroes have been appearing on TV screens since 1952, though not all shows have made it to German screens. Recent successes include iZombie, Supergirl, Lucifer, and Black Lightning. And on the gaming front, there are also plenty of options.
DC Comics T-Shirts and More
Did you know that Superman couldn't fly in his first version? That besides Lex Luthor, Superman also had to defeat the villain Brainiac? That Supergirl was part of the Red Lantern Corps? If so, then you are probably a true fan, for whom we have a hot tip: Fan merchandise for the entire DC world is available at Impericon. Find your heroes on T-shirts, posters, hoodies, mugs, stickers, and their logos on caps and keychains. Bring your superheroes into your everyday life and add a cool style. Browse our DC Comics category and stock up on your favorite DC Comics merch today. If you're interested in DC Comics, the following links might also be interesting.