Arch Enemy 25 Questions

How Many Records Do Arch Enemy Actually Collect?

At Summer Breeze Festival 2022, we borrowed Alissa and Michael from the Swedish Death Metal Band Arch Enemy, to ask them 25 tough questions. Who is a real bookworm, who is a real gamer? You can find out in our interview!

At Summer Breeze Festival 2022, we borrowed Alissa and Michael from the Swedish Death Metal Band Arch Enemy, to ask them 25 tough questions. Who is a real bookworm, who is a real gamer? You can find out in our interview!

We’re making it easy: 25 questions for your favorite bands that make them choose between two options. Of course, you can watch the interview on our YouTube channel. We’ve linked it to you down below. If you prefer to read it straight away, you can do so here:

25 Questions With Arch Enemy: This Or That

Alissa: I’m Alissa White-Gluz of Arch Enemy.

Michael: I’m Michael Amott from the same band.

Alissa: And we’re here at Summer Breeze and we’re ready to talk to you, Impericon!

Moshpit Or Crowdsurfing?

Michael: Uh, I don’t do that anymore, but you know what? I love looking out at the audience when they’re crowdsurfing, it’s fun.

Alissa: I’ve been in many moshpits.

Michael: Many a moshpit.

Alissa: Many a moshpit have I seen in my day. I would say moshpit.

Breakdown or Singalong?

Michael: Ooh.

Alissa: Singalong. 

Michael: I’ll go with singalong as well, it’s nice. You know, we make these songs and then to hear a whole big audience sing it back to you is just, you know, that’s pretty much unbeatable.

Digital or Vinyl?

Michael: Uhm, vinyl for me, yeah. I have about two and a half thousand. [laughs]

Lyrics or Melody?

Alissa: Oh, that’s a good question, that’s tough. Oh man.

Michael: I’d go with melody, because it’s more - I mean, I love lyrics, you know, I love words, but melody is universal in a way and it’s not depending on a language. It can touch people globally.

Alissa: I’ll go with lyrics. Just because I say thousands of words every night and when they’re interesting to me, I feel it more. So yeah, I’ll say lyrics.

Screaming or Clean Singing?

Alissa: Both. No, it’s equal, 50/50.

Tattoo or Piercing?

Alissa: Both. [Laughter, gestures at Michael] Neither.

Streetwear or Merchandise?

Michael: I still like band merch, you know, I still collect kind of band t-shirts and stuff like that, so I have hundreds and hundreds of band shirts and stuff. So yeah, I’d have to say merch here.

Alissa: I would say merch also, but I like, turn it into streetwear, you know, I’ll just cut it up.

Impericon: So you have 2500 shirts at home?

Michael: Yeah, I’m a hoarder. It's official I think now, by now. I’m a hoarder, yeah, I collect everything. [laughs]

Touring or Recording?

Alissa: I’ll say touring. 

Michael: I’ll say recording then. I like both, you know, I like both, so. 

Festival or Club Show?

Alissa: Um … festival.

Michael: Club show.

Movie Theater or Streaming?

Alissa: I think it’s the one time I’ll say streaming. 

Michael: Yeah. I’ve recently started going to the cinema again, going to see movies in the theater. And I’m really enjoying it, but um, it’s the convenience of streaming of course. When, you know, we live a lot of our life on the road, in hotel rooms, in a tour bus, it’s nice to just watch something, put the headphones on and just … you know, it’s nice as well.

Weekends or Holidays?

Michael: You know what, those words have become - they don’t mean anything to us, because it doesn’t, you know - I don’t even know what day of the week it is now.

Alissa: I don’t even know what day it is. I don’t know what month it is.

Michael: I think it’s Thursday today, or Friday.

Impericon: I’m not sure either. 


Michael: Yeah. so we don’t know, because you know, it’s just a show day or an off day for us. The travel day or the show day. Something like that.

Alissa: Yeah. Yeah.

City or Countryside?

Alissa: City. 

Michael: City. 

Reading Books or Playing Videogames?

Michael: Reading books. 

Alissa: Books.

Relive Life or Living Forever in the 80s?

Michael: I’d stay - oof, I don’t know. 

Alissa: But wait, do you get to live forever? I mean, I would choose endless life - if it has to be in the 80s, so be it. 

Michael: But there would be no Arch Enemy. You have to understand.

Alissa: There’s no me for half of the 80s.

Michael: That’s true. I was there for the entire 80s and it was - it was what it was. I don’t know. That’s a difficult question.

Night or Morning?

Alissa: Morning.

Michael: Night.

Instagram or Facebook?

Alissa: Instagram.

Michael: Uh, I use Instagram more. I mean, there’s the same company, right? But it’s just two sides of the same coin. Instagram’s a bit more fun, isn’t it? I guess [laughs], I don’t know.

Alissa: It’s less glitchy. You know?

Attending a Party or Hosting a Party?

Alissa: Attending. I don’t want that pressure! [laughs]

Michael: Attending for sure, yeah. Just come in, trash the place, [...] you know, you drink everybody’s drinks and … 

Alissa: You kick the hole in the wall. [laughs]

Michael: Yeah. Play metal loud.

Lose Sleep or Skip a Meal?

Alissa: Skip a meal. 

Michael: Skip a meal. I’m terrible without sleep, I’m just a horrible person, so I’d rather skip a meal. 

Save Money or Spend Money?

Alissa: Save.

Michael: Save.

Nightliner or Hotel?

Alissa: Tour bus.

Michael: Tour bus is great, because you do the travel during the night when you’re sleeping, so you wake up in that city where you’re going to perform. So it’s kind of easy, you know, in that way. If you can sleep on the bus, which I can, so … I think we’re pretty good at that. But you know, when you’re in a hotel, you have to get in and out of the hotel and then you have to travel, go to an airport ... or not, you know.

Shop Arch Enemy Merch At Impericon

Well, were there any unexpected answers for you? We, at least, are very impressed with Michael's massive record collection. In return we would like to introduce you to our Arch Enemy Merch, because it also includes a lot of records and especially Colored Vinyls, which should not be missing in your own fan collection! T-shirts and hoodies are available as well, of course. And if you want more, check out our Death Metal Merch selection with bands like Amon Amarth and In Flames!