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Tired of Superman, Batman, and other boring superheroes? Then you'll love the Suicide Squad! This antihero team, made up of convicted supervillains, is tasked by secret agent Amanda Waller to take down a mysterious threat. But the squad - who are rotting away in prison - soon realizes that their mission is a tough nut to crack...
Are you a fan of antiheroes and love the movie adaptations? Then we have the perfect Suicide Squad Merchandise for you. Here you can get your new Suicide Squad T-shirt, cap, poster, mug, and much more from the film. Included, of course, is a Harley Quinn poster and a matching button with the words "Daddy's Lil Monster." A real gem is the film's soundtrack on vinyl - a treasure for your DC collection. We also have Harley Quinn jewelry and accessories like a wallet. Take a look around!