Linkin Park: The Countdown Continues!

Linkin Park: The Countdown Continues!

Linkin Park's countdown has taken a surprising turn, leaving us wondering what it all means. What could happen next? We’ll have to wait and see...

Image: Linkin Park - Ofiicial Press Photo

In recent days, there have been wild speculations surrounding Linkin Park's countdown. One rumor suggested that Sum 41’s singer, Deryck Whibley, could be the new frontman for Linkin Park, but Whibley promptly denied this.

Last evening, Linkin Park revealed the secret behind the countdown – but things turned out differently than expected. It’s actually a Count Up!

Yes, you read that right: After the countdown hit zero, several glitches appeared, and the timer started counting up from 0. What exactly this means remains unclear. Linkin Park only commented with the words: "It's only a matter of time…"



Additionally, over the past few hours, more glitches occurred at specific timestamps, causing the timer to jump forward to a higher number of hours. These glitch times were: 00:00:00, 00:09:05, 01:35:00, and 09:05:00. Perhaps this is a clue to what’s coming next.

How long the timer will continue and what’s really behind it remains to be seen. It seems Linkin Park is enjoying keeping us on the edge of our seats.


Update from 30.08. The Linkin Park Charade Has Come To An End

After yesterday's countdown nonsense, Linkin Park have finally shown some mercy and revealed something concrete: an official announcement date. According To it something big is to be unveiled on 5 September. In addition to this confirmed date, Linkin Park gave another hint: ‘Be part of something’.