Famous Black Metal Shop in Oslo Severely Damaged by Fire

Famous Black Metal Shop in Oslo Severely Damaged by Fire

A renowned black metal shop called Neseblod Records (formerly known as Helvete) in Oslo has been devastated by fire. Here’s an update on this historically significant location.

Image: Black Metal Basement - Well-known Photo Spot

A renowned black metal shop called Neseblod Records (formerly known as Helvete) in Oslo has been devastated by fire. Here’s an update on this historically significant location.

Neseblod Records, long known as Helvete, is one of the most famous black metal shops around. However, the store in Norway's capital, Oslo, was recently heavily damaged by a fire. Photos depicting the extent of the incident have been posted on social media.



A Tragedy for the Black Metal Scene

Police are currently investigating the fire that broke out in the basement of the building. Grethe Neseblod, the current co-owner of Neseblod Records, commented:

"It’s unclear what happened. I’m standing outside now and can’t enter the room, which is very smoky. So, I have no idea how extensive the damage is."

This comes as a shock to the metal world, as this shop has witnessed years of black metal history and significantly shaped the scene. It serves largely as a museum that has drawn genre experts and fans for years. Co-owner Kenneth Neseblod explained:

"Much of what we have is for viewing and not for sale. It’s both a museum and a record shop. We have vinyl records, cassettes, and tape-trading letters that were used in the past to communicate within the metal community."

Black Metal Basement Preserved

Even if you haven’t visited Neseblod Records yourself, you might have seen photos of the so-called “Black Metal” basement. It's one of the most famous spots in the black metal scene and a popular photo location. Fortunately, this area has remained intact, as it was later reported.

“We had a fire downstairs, but the first floor wasn’t touched by flames. There is ash and soot everywhere, but we can save a lot, and not least, the famous Black Metal wall is intact. The Yellow Goat isn’t burnt, nor is the Deathcrush cross.”



Fundraising Campaign for Reconstruction

A GoFundMe campaign is currently running to support the rebuilding of the historic black metal shop. Here’s the link to the campaign—everyone can contribute! The organizer behind it, Darren T., writes:

“Hello, my name is Darren. Over the years, I have worked with many Norwegian black metal bands, and Neseblod Records (formerly Helvete) in the heart of Oslo has been part of the scene since the beginning of this unique musical movement, embodying the heart and spirit of the genre. Last night, a fire swept through the basement and the shop, destroying an archive of rare black metal history! I am starting this GoFundMe campaign to help Kenneth get back on his feet.”

Update as of April 22, 2024

The owners have since delivered positive news on Instagram. The shop has reopened, and renovation will soon begin.

"The shop is finally open! We've cleared out the basement and will renovate it as soon as possible, so for now, only the upper floor is available. Thanks to everyone who has helped physically and through donations. You have been a huge help, and we cannot express how much we appreciate every single one of you."

Fortunately, it’s not the end for the black metal hub in Oslo.