Sleep Token: Their 10 Strongest Songs

Sleep Token: Their 10 Strongest Songs

Sleep Token has taken the community by storm, and we bet a whole bunch of their top songs have landed in your Spotify favorites. But even if you're not that familiar with the band yet, here you'll find inspiration to dive into their music.

Image: Sleep Token Live [Sara Velez Herrero]

Sleep Token has taken the community by storm, and we bet a whole bunch of their top songs have landed in your Spotify favorites. But even if you're not that familiar with the band yet, here you'll find inspiration to dive into their music.

Today, we present to you our top 10 songs from Sleep Token's discography. Scroll down to see which tracks from the albums Sundowning, This Place Will Become Your Tomb, and Take Me Back To Eden made the list!

1. Alkaline

This song is a must, both live and in the playlist. "Alkaline," from the 2021 album This Place Will Become Your Tomb, is an absolute favorite among Sleep Token's fanbase.

2. Chokehold

What an amazing opener for the current album, Take Me Back To Eden (2023). Those who were breathless from the first moment of "Chokehold" surely celebrated the rest of the album just as much.

3. The Summoning

The album continues just as strong as it started. "The Summoning" was not only a hit on vinyl and Spotify but also went viral on platforms like TikTok, especially due to the unexpected style shift at the end of the song, which lasts a strong 6:35 minutes.

4. The Offering

Back to the beginning. On Sundowning from 2019, "The Offering" is the second track, starting heavy and not shying away from quiet, emotional passages - true to Sleep Token's style.

5. Granite

Singalong material at its finest. "Granite" brings us back to Take Me Back To Eden, and perhaps the track surprised some from the Rock scene. Electronic elements are at the forefront, with distorted guitars only making their appearance at the end. It's one of those songs that just gets stuck in your head every time.

6. Take Me Back To Eden

We can't leave out the title track of the latest album. It captures the spirit of this album perfectly and is also the longest song on the record, lasting 8:20 minutes. This doesn't make it tedious but rather more intriguing to listen to due to various musical influences.

7. Hypnosis

"Hypnosis" sounds exactly like what the title promises: hypnotic guitar riffs and Vessel's captivating vocals. This definitely lets you dive into the depths of This Place Will Become Your Tomb.

 8. Rain

"Rain," one of the last songs from Take Me Back To Eden, hits right in the feels. From atmospheric to heavy, everything is included, not just across the entire album, but also within the individual tracks.


9. Atlantic

This Place Will Become Your Tomb also boasts a strong opener. "Atlantic" doesn't start off rocky but immediately conveys ballad vibes with piano and clean vocals. But don't be deceived, as Sleep Token's Metal elements come into play within the same track.


10. Sugar

"Sugar" from the Sundowning album starts gently and with electronic vibes, yet it doesn't lose intensity and will convince rock enthusiasts at the latest in the second half of the song. From sweet sounds to Alternative Metal, the song lives up to its name.